Blog Post 3: What Are Other People Saying?

Part I

Locate and analyze two more credible and relevant sources that build off your previous sources--following up on new aspects discovered or questions raised that will help move you forward on your question. Again:
  • List each source’s  complete bibliographic information using a format of your choice (MLA, APA, or other), 
  • Summarize each source in a maximum 250 words each, 
  • Evaluate the credibility of the sources.


Discuss all four of your sources in relation to each other. These questions from Chapter 27 of Everyone's an Author may help give you direction:
  • What issues, problems, or controversies do your sources address?
  • What else do your sources have in common? Any ideas? facts? examples? statistics? Are any people or works cited in more than one source?
  • What significant differences do you find among sources? Different stances? positions? purposes? kinds of evidence? conclusions? What they include? What they leave out?
  • Do any of your sources cite or refer to one another? Does one source provide details, examples, or explanations that build on something said in another? Does any source respond specifically to something said in another?


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